Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What I did all weekend

Well, I'll start off by saying that I did not finish the Ruby Shorts this weekend. But I will show you where Beau and I were on Saturday.

Lt. Dan is an amazing person. He lost both his legs in August '09 after stepping on an Improvised Explosive Device. He's managed to keep his spirits amazingly high, despite everything he has been through in the past year. During his speech he was so positive and seemed to only be looking towards the future. My Beau has worked with Dan's family in the past few months as they set up a fund for him and during that time I have only begun to understand the tip of Dan's inner strength and courage.

Dan thanked everyone who came out to this event to support him, but it is us who should be thanking him for everything he has done. Without doing what he does, we couldn't live the lives we do and for that we are so grateful. Thank you to all the men and women of our armed forces who have fought, who risk their lives everyday, and those who have paid the ultimate price to defend our country and its ideals.

The rest of the weekend took on a slightly more somber note. Sunday was taken up by some very sad family news. Then Monday was used up by helping Beau finish the work he missed this week because of it, but I should be back to the Ruby shorts this afternoon. I guess I really can't keep to a set schedule.

And on one last note-- This Memorial Day I want to send a heartfelt thank you to all my readers for stopping by the blog. Thanks for your support, comments and funny stories. I've made some great friends in the first month of this blog and I hope to make many more. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog - very inspiring! Looking forward to the completed Ruby shorts.

    Sarah :)
