Started working on Lisette's Ruby Shorts sew along last night. According to the schedule Monday was the day to have our pattern cut out and assembled. It took me a little longer than I expected because this pattern needed to be printed out on a home printer and then assembled piece by piece. My printer is not all that great so there were slight differences in the page sizes making it very difficult to fit all the pages together smoothly. In the end I did a fair enough job.
I'm a hybrid size. The waist needs to be the 34" size, but my hips need to be the 36". So I scribbled some notes on the paper, which trust me are nowhere near the amount of pattern destruction I normally cause. I'm a serious note-taker and most patterns are left with tons of little cryptic writings all over them, practically filling up every available space on the instruction sheet or Deltor.
This is just step one, since I took this picture I filled up the big space in the middle with math. So now you all know my measurements. Hopefully this will not come back to bite me. I'm a little bottom heavy, but I like to say that it's just the Junk in my Trunk. The next step was to fit the pattern. I roughly chopped out all the pieces and then when back and fit them to my size.
Thank you multisized patterns for making pattern adjustment incredibly easy. I chose not to shorten the shorts, even though the pattern is intended for someone 5'6". I wanted them to look a little more vintage, so I wanted the waist to be long and as well as the legs. I actually considered lengthening the legs a few inches, but decided against that. Long shorts will just make me look short and squat. So I stuck to only fitting the waist. I'm not making a muslin of this pattern due to the time schedule so keep your fingers crossed and hope I made the right decision here.
I was a little upset to find out that the Husqvarna machine I was supposed to be getting back on Tuesday, then Thursday, is now going to be away for an indefinite period of time. Which is seriously frustrating, considering I joined this sew along fully expecting to be able to use my button hole attachment. Now I'm going to have to use my vintage Dressmaker 230 which has been slowly dying on me AND make handmade button holes. Ah well, c'est la vie. This will be a good last project for Dressmaker until I can afford to have her refurbished. (Sewing machine repairs are not under $25, in case anyone was wondering...)
So after doing all the chopping and cutting it's off to the fabric store today to pick up a yard and a half of fabric, some fusible interfacing, 8 buttons, and thread. All that in only $25! Wish me luck! I'm all powered up after having the best thing in the world for breakfast!
Yum! Half a cup of goat's milk yogurt from Whole Foods, frozen cherries, a handful of flax meal, handful of raw sunflower seeds, shredded unsweetened coconut, and a palmful of pecans! This is quickly becoming my favorite power breakfast, when I just don't feel in the mood for green sludge.
Catalog Sunday: Spiegel, 1945
1 day ago
Oh man, you're totally kicking my butt already. I haven't even taped my pattern together yet. I thought about it all night last night, but couldn't seem to pick myself up off the couch (I've been fighting a horrid cold for weeks). I will definitely get to it tonight! Can't wait to see how yours turn out!
xoxo - Eleanor
Eleanor: That's about how I was all weekend. Tired and not interested. I really needed to get cracking last night because I won't be able to sew on Thursday, so I need to make up the difference somewhere along the way. With all the taping, cutting and fitting I didn't have time to do much else yesterday. Can't wait to see your fabric and button choices!
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