Yay! I finally got around to purchasing the proper USB cable for my new camera. I'm so happy with this camera. It's awesome sauce. I'm a little bit shocked by the picture quality. I haven't been able to use a snazzy camera like that since I was in film school. Sure wish I could remember how to use it properly.
BUT with the addition of a USB cable I am able to give you all a quick update on what Fiance and I have been up to. Via photo essay or some such nonsense.
Last weekend we took the fabulous 6 hour drive to visit my grandmother in Mississippi! And by fabulous I mean long, but Fiance drove most of the trip so I got to mess around with my camera on the trip. Most of the photos came out fuzzy as I tried to remember where the f-stop button was so I excluded those to be nice to your eyes.
Fancy photo. This is at the point in the trip when Fiance is getting a little tired of me taking pictures of him driving the car. | |
Funky clouds on the trip down. We left Friday at about 6pm eastern time. This was only about 20 minutes into our trip and it was already getting dark. |
We arrive in Mississippi and enjoy a great weekend with the family!You might remember my Aunt Donna (center) and Grandmother (right) from some
other photos I have posted.
UNO! |
This trip was actually good timing if you can call it that. Earlier this week I received a call that my cousin Kyle (far left above) was admitted to the hospital. He's still in the ICU, but they have plans to move him to a regular room this afternoon. We're all praying for his recovery to go as quickly and as easily as possible. After a quick visit we headed back home on Sunday, this time during the daylight.
Pretty wet lands. |
The trip back home was much nicer. There are some pretty views along the highway going between Atlanta and Biloxi. It's so much nicer to actually see when you're roadtripping.
Some River in Alabama. |
Check out the waterway between the raised highway. Starting to look like it's going to rain. |
We stopped at the Shed for some BBQ and a few of our favorite hole in the wall family gas stations on the way home. We really had a nice trip until a monsoon decided to swoop in on us somewhere in Alabama.
That thar' be some rain clouds ahead. |
But we made it home safely even if we had to drive at 35mph on 85N for over an hour. Yick.
This weekend as you all know I finally finished painting/converting our spare room, then friend's room, later my sewing room, and now Fiance's office.
Tada! Paint! |
You can see what I mean by the room not having enough natural light. That's the only window in that room and both the back wall and the wall to the right are outside walls. I really do know what the builders were thinking sometime. Fiance's shoulder also make a mysterious appearance in this photo. Or maybe it's a ghost. We don't really know.
And the other side of the room. I should not have looked so closely at these photos. My ceiling line looks wiggly! |
And there's my update. Now I'm off to find somewhere to put my sewing machine so I can get to work. An old friend is coming back to play this month along with Halloween costume sewing bonanza time.
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