Here are the promised photos from Dress Rehersal last night. New Old Camera isn't the greatest at taking photos of anything that's not in direct sunlight so please open these up to see the large images. I'm so happy with how the show turned out. If you're in the Atlanta Area the show opens tomorrow night at the Fred Ampitheatre in Peachtree City. Doors open at 7:30.
The cast joking around before rehearsal. |
Runyonland number in progress. Sarah is trying to get the drinking, gambling citizens of NYC to stop their evil ways and come to the Save a Soul Mission |
Mission Band Members. |
Big Julie. I just love this guy! His name is Bob Grillo and he is a riot on stage! We rented that fabulous jacket and tie from Creative Costumes. |
Another Crapshooter. My first attempt at dying a man's jacket. Somewhat successful. I think I need more soda ash next time. Also, I'm not denying the fat that he's wearing a Snoopy tie. |
Sarah, Mission Band Members and Lt. Brannigan in the back. The uniforms they're wearing are old Pyke County High School Marching Band uniforms. Bonnet in Sarah's hand is from Melanie and Creative Costumes. |
Side view of the "Oldest Reliable" number. Love the backdrop! (I had nothing to do with it, just love it). |
Bushel and a Peck Costumes! Can't take credit for these other than the headpieces. I was running low on time so two of the cast members made the costumes up. I gave them a basic idea and they just ran with it. I thought these came out fabulously. I made all the hats in our kitchen. Mr. Miller (fiance) was not too happy with the marabou feathers all over the floor. |
And I also made Miss Adelaide's headpiece. I love making showgirl headpieces! In fact I think it's one of the most fun things ever. She had to duck to get through to the stage door in the back there, but beauty requires effort! Actually, no one told me they were coming through a door. I assumed they were coming on from stage left. Oh well! She still looks hot! |
Here they are going through the door. You can see that Amanda (Adelaide) had to squat a little, but that dramatic showgirl headpiece sure makes for a dramatic entrance! |
A Frankensteined robe. Took a bunch of stuff from the costume vault and sewed it together. I'm totally in love with the fuzzy sleeves! |
Sorry this is so dark. New Old Camera can't really handle dark scenes. This is the "Cafe Cubana" scene. Those cuban gals are totally wearing my dresses... The red dress on the left is my standard salsa/latin/dancing date dress. |
Close up of Adelaide's "Take Back Your Mink" costume which I LOVE. Thanks creative costumes for letting us rent this baby. So cute! |
Take Back Your Mink on Stage. The Hot Box Girls are wearing my best costume find ever. 10 MATCHING dresses in the RIGHT sizes at Kohls, on the clearance rack, for 12$ each! I was so happy that day! Perfect costumes, and 10 of the same thing from clearance!? Unheard of! That was a lucky lucky day. Afterward I took these home and installed Velcro to turn these into fabulous rip-away dresses. They work great! |
After the rip away, black leotards underneath. |
Looks fabulous! Glad it came together for you and the community theatre group.
Great job!
Oh wow, that's quite the undertaking! Nice work - I bet it feels great to see it all coming together!
Congratulations! They look amazing!
Great costuming!
Mom: Aww, thanks Mom!
Tasia: It does feel great! And it's a major major relief. 42 cast members, multiple costume changes, 3 weeks, small budget, I'm still amazed it came together at all!
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